Many Student in India Pakistan United State Bangladesh China South Africa Austria and australia who want part time job and working and they want to earn How to earn money online, as we know there is lot of fraud companies, Who said that they will make them able to make 100 dollar daily Etc But all fraud So today we’ll talk about True Companies which real pad money , Which may help to you or anyone who want to join this company . There are many other methods to earn money from internet, But Google Adsense is very simple and easy way to earn a Big money online, For this purpose, You must have a blog, site or YouTube channel, Where as a publisher you will display adsense ads, But before Applying for Adsense Account I want to tell you some most important points which you need to must follow it other wise you will not more for google adsense.
Many people use YouTube channel with their own videos to apply adsense hosted account, Where host company gets some percent money from their earning, Beside of’ You’ve to face strict rules of Google, So I must say, You must have your own .com domain, where you should publish your content as much as many visitors visit your site on daily basis being searched at Google. No matter, What’s the age of your blog/site, As Google just see, Which type of content, you’ve and how many people visit it, So I recommend you to publish content, Which through user can get many updated information, So that he would like to share it with his friends, Which increase your traffic. I know, Some people buy adsense account from other people to display adsense ads at their site, But its not a good idea, In case, You don’t have any site, Which did not complies with Google Adsense Program Policies, As after displaying adsense ads, Your purchased adsense account will be limited and ads will not display, So you should have confident at your own abilities, As you can Get Adsense Approved Account easily, In case you apply for it after having a popular blog/site, Which complies with Google Adsense Terms & Conditions. Some time, Google disable some accounts in third world countries, Which may result the loss of his market shares to other companies, So at this condition, Google can disable your account without providing any reason to manage his loss, Which was happened in 2012. Within the situation, You can buy a new adsense account to use adsense ads at your existing blog/site, As you know, your site is not Banned by Google. You should check adsense account status, In case, You’re buying it from some other person or third parties. For this purpose, details are mentioned bellow to Check Adsense Account Status.
A – Login and Go to Gear icon at the top right corner>>Setting>>Account Information to see, How much Google share from its revenue, As it must be 68% revenue without involvement of third parties.
B – Go to Gear icon at the top right corner>>Status>>Policy Violation to see you’ve not Account Level Policy Violations on record, As High Risk Violations are Copyright Content and Invalid Activity etc -
Earn 1000$ with Google Adsense:
We can't share Adsense Account Statistics, As Google did not allow its publishers to share their earning, CPC and CTR with other people to encourage them. So for Example
Do you know, How much huge money is possible to earn from Google Adsense Account of any country in the world.
Suppose! I’m earning almost $1000 to $15000 monthly, But its less than the earning of most popular bloggers in the world, Who just has focused for optimization in
Top High CPC Countries in the World.
There are many countries, From where you can get better CTR and CPC, But I’ve specified some countries, Where you should optimize your blog to Get High CTR and CPC, As mentioned bellow;
- Slovenia
- Singapore
- Spain
- Thailand
- Philipines
- United States
- Australia
How to Get Traffic For Your Blog:
Its most important , How to Get unique traffic from top ranked countries in the world, So that you may earn extra revenue at your content, So you’ve two ways.
Premium/Paid Traffic:
Its mean, You’ve to pay money to the company or specified person to get traffic via SEM (Search Engine Marketing) like; Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc. or SMM (Social Media Marketing) like; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit etc. I’ll not recommend you to spend money in starting, As you’ve no more content, But if you’ve content according to the country, Where you want to boost your post, Then you can get its benefit.
Organic/Non-Paid Traffic:
To get organic traffic, You’ve to work hard at Blog or Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get more traffic at your blog.
Beside of’ You can work through Social Profile to get more traffic by connecting individual people, groups and communities in specified countries to get more likes and views on Facebook and Google plus pages. Reddit is another best social site to boost your post magically after getting at least 200 permalinks at your posts, But now a days, Reddit has made its rules strict, Now its not easy to boost your own post on Reddit.
At this situation, I suggest you to use Fb, Twitter and G+ for organic traffic, But don’t forget to use on-page and off-page seo techniques, As its my personal experience that you can get traffic as you want by posting comments as a back-link on other relevant sites in specified countries, For this purpose, You need to search at Specified Google SE such as;